Assessing students at Key Stage 3 – The Pathway System
The aim of reporting is:
- To inform parents and students of their progress towards predicted grades or levels at regular intervals during the year.
- To initiate and support conversations between teaching staff, pupils and parents should a pupil not be making sufficient progress towards her targets.
- To summarise a student’s pastoral development through attendance, work ethic and a pastoral comment.
What is reported?
The Predicted Grade or Pathways for the end of the current Key Stage.
A student will receive a predicted grade or Pathway at least once a year. Full details of this will be provided on the report itself. Additionally, students will receive progress and work ethic grades, which are described below.
Year 7 to 9
Progress Descriptors
- Moving towards the next Pathway
- Making good progress on the Pathway
- Struggling to stay on the Pathway
- In danger of being moved onto a lower Pathway
Work Ethic Descriptors
- Has a an exceptional Work Ethic
- Has a Good Work Ethic
- Has a Work Ethic which Lapses Occasionally
- Has a Work Ethic which Lapses Significantly
Year 10 to 13
Progress Descriptors
- Good Progress which may exceed the prediction
- Good Progress
- Progress slightly below expectations
- Progress below expectations
Work Ethic Descriptors
- Has an Exceptional Work Ethic
- Has a Good Work Ethic
- Has a Work Ethic which Lapses Occasionally
- Has a Work Ethic which Lapses Significantly
The Form Comment
This is a 100 – 150 word summative comment about your daughter’s Pastoral progress during the year, which is written in July by her Form Tutor. The Form Tutor’s comment might include:
- Attendance and punctuality
- Appearance and uniform
- Personal organisation
- Participation in school and class activities
- Relationships with peers/teachers
- Notable achievements
- Personal qualities