Last week, it was wonderful to see so many students and staff celebrating Fusion Day. The huge range of cultures that make up our community was evident from the explosion of colour worn and the range of foods available in the Hall at lunchtime. It was also evident from the dances to the musical performances at the show in the evening that the students have great pride in their heritage and how it fuses with others. Of particular pride was the ‘fusion’ (apologies for overusing the word) of work between the staff and students.

The organisation was led by Nicola (12B), our Y12 Music Lead and Mrs Khan, who were in turn supported by numerous staff and Sixth Formers. We also saw bands with staff and students playing together and a staff dance choreographed by Sixth Form students.

Diverse communities are wonderful, complex and must negotiate a myriad of conflicts that emerge on a daily basis. As a school we have committed ourselves to creating a more equitable society. It will take time and the efforts of our whole community to achieve this, but Fusion Day was WGGS at it’s best and it is moments like this that give us the resolve to continually find ways to navigate the path ahead.