In-Year Admissions

Watford Grammar School for Girls is not part of Hertfordshire County Council’s scheme of ‘In-Year’ coordination. Applications are to be made directly to us by completing our In-Year application form below.

The admission number for Watford Grammar School for Girls is 210 per year group for years 7 – 11, and we rarely have vacancies outside the normal secondary transfer admissions round.

If the relevant year group is fully subscribed, an applicant’s details will be added to the school’s continuing interest list for that year group and ranked in order against the admissions criteria, not according to the date the application was added to the list. Continued interest lists are maintained until the end of the academic year, at which point they are deleted.

Where a place becomes available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below to determine which student to admit:

Community places

  • Looked After Children and children who were previously looked after, including those who appear (to Watford Grammar School for Girls) to have been in state care outside of England, and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order.
  • Girls whose normal home address is nearest to the school and who would not be allocated a place under any other criterion, except criterion 6.
  • Girls with a parent who is a permanent full-time or part-time member of the school staff (inclusive of teaching and support staff roles).
  • Girls with a sibling (sister) enrolled at the school, excluding sisters who first entered the school in the Sixth Form (Year 12 or Year 13).
  • Girls with a sibling (brother) enrolled at Watford Grammar School for Boys, excluding brothers who first entered the school in the Sixth Form (Year 12 or Year 13).
  • Places will then be allocated to students in increasing distance order using straight line distance between the girl’s normal home address and the school.

Specialist places

  • Girls selected on the basis of aptitude for music as measured by the school’s assessment procedures, in merit order.
  • Girls selected by academic ability as measured by the school’s assessment procedures, in merit order.

In Year Admissions Application Form

The school will respond to the applications within 15 school days.

You have the right to make a formal appeal to an independent Appeals Panel. Appeals to Watford Grammar School for Girls are dealt with by Hertfordshire County Council and parents wishing to appeal should call the Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 4043 to request their registration details.

Please be aware that we are required to pass the applicant’s details to Hertfordshire Local Authority. If your child is allocated a place, the school will contact the most recent school for information about the child.

If you are unable to complete the online form, the In Year Application Form should be completed and returned by post to: Admissions Officer, Watford Grammar School for Girls, Lady’s Close, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD18 0AE.