For any further information on Careers Education, to volunteer to take part in a careers event, or to provide any feedback you may have, please contact our Head of Careers, Mrs Arazi on 01923 223403 or at

Information published on this page will be reviewed at the end of each academic year and will be updated in September.

Aims of Careers Education at Watford Grammar School for Girls

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance is a crucial part of education for young people. The landscape of education, training and employment opportunities that students face is more complex and challenging than that faced by previous generations. Qualifications are changing, and young people face a wider range of choice of courses, places to study, and careers available.

As such, the aim of our careers education is:

To help pupils have a successful transition to adult life and take ownership of their own career path by developing the skills and confidence needed to:

  • Make informed decisions for themselves,
  • Be able to manage their own transitions between the different stages of their education and career.

It is our statutory duty to ensure that all pupils receive independent, impartial advice and guidance regarding all their options, and how they will affect their opportunities after school and which careers pathways will become available to them. By helping students with decisions at crucial stages, informing them of all their options and introducing them to the world of work, we aim to prepare them for life after school whichever path they choose.

The Careers Education Programme

Careers learning starts in Year 7, and continues all the way through to Year 13. The programme has been designed with a different focus for each year group which is relevant for the life stage the student is at.

The school careers education programme is based on the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Career Guidance, and meets statutory guidelines as published in the DfE document “Careers guidance and access for education and training providers” dated January 2023.

At Watford Grammar School for Girls we are committed to ensuring that all pupils get the careers provision that they require. The careers programme will be reviewed on an annual basis, and will be adapted if necessary. The effectiveness of the careers programme and of careers events will be monitored by feedback collected from pupils, parents, teachers and employers.

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance PolicyCareers Provider Access Policy 2023

Hertfordshire County Council Services for Young People (HCC SfYP) (formerly known as YC Hertfordshire)

  • HCC SfYP Information

    Services for Young People is a service which aims to provide impartial information, advice, guidance, support, and personal development opportunities for 13-19 year olds. Miss Kerry Duffy, a Personal Adviser from Services for Young People will be visiting our school on a regular basis, offering individual interviews and a weekly drop-in at lunchtimes.

    Students can also access a dedicated website to find out more about Services for Young People. This can be found at

Careers programme

  • Year 7 - All about careers

    • Students are introduced to the world of work and the terminology associated with it.
    • Students are introduced to careers resources and will start to develop their skills for researching information on different careers.
    • Students are introduced to the wide range of careers available to them. They are encouraged to challenge stereotypes within the world of work and traditional job roles.
    • Students will hear talks from external speakers about their jobs and what they involve.
    • Students have optional access to independent guidance (Head of Year referral).
    • Students are encouraged to attend careers talks and fairs.
    • Students will start to think about the main costs of living, budgeting, and will be introduced to some of the vocabulary associated with finance.

  • Year 8 - All about you and your skills for work

    • Students will start to develop their skills in identifying what employers are looking for.
    • Students are encouraged to identify their own personal traits, strengths and skills.
    • Students will develop an action plan to help develop their employability skills.
    • Students will start to think about what they find important in a career in terms of lifestyle, and a good work/life balance. They will be encouraged to have high expectations of themselves.
    • Students will hear talks from external speakers about their jobs and what they involve.
    • Students have optional access to independent guidance (Head of Year referral).
    • Students are encouraged to attend careers talks and fairs.

  • Year 9 - Making choices

    • Students are introduced to the world of work first hand via a work shadowing day. They will be encouraged to critically reflect on their experience.
    • Students are introduced to a range of different websites available to them to help research different jobs, what they involve, and what skills and qualifications are needed for them.
    • Students will begin to think about GCSE options in terms of potential career pathways. They will be encouraged to use the careers resources they have been introduced to, to help inform their GCSE decisions.
    • Students will learn about the role of social media, and how this can help or hinder future applications.
    • Students have optional access to independent guidance (Head of Year referral).
    • Students are encouraged to attend careers talks and fairs.

  • Year 10 - Get ready for the world of work

    • Students will revisit their action plan, and reassess their personal strengths and skills. They will be encouraged to continue to develop these.
    • Students will revisit their wants from work.
    • Students are encouraged to link specific potential careers to strengths and skills required, and lifestyles associated with them.
    • Students will learn their rights and responsibilities in the working world.
    • Students will explore what a CV is, and how to write a good CV. They are encouraged to start writing a CV, and if any gaps are highlighted during this process, will explore how to develop these areas further.
    • Students will explore interview techniques, and will develop these through practice.
    • Students will start to think about the financial aspects of work, including budgeting, financial planning, tax, and interpreting payslip information.
    • Students are encouraged to attend careers talks and fairs.
    • Students are encouraged to continue to use the careers resources available to them.
    • Students have optional access to independent guidance (Form tutor or Head of Year referral).
    • A small, selected group of pupils will be given the opportunity to complete a week of work experience. They will be encouraged to critically reflect on their experience; what they have learnt, and what skills they have used and developed..

  • Year 11 - Thinking ahead to 16+

    • Students are helped with post 16 choices and informed about all their options, including 6th form study, colleges, UTC’s, and apprenticeships.
    • Students are given the opportunity to hear about A-Level subjects available to them, from both teachers and current pupils.
    • Students are encouraged to continue to use careers resources available to them to continue to investigate which careers appeal, and what skills and qualifications are needed for them.
    • Students will have an interview with an independent careers adviser. At this time they will agree their personal action plan for the future, and identify what specific action is required to achieve these goals.
    • Students should use their careers interviews to help understand the different career pathways and entry requirements, and are encouraged to make contingency plans should their results be better/worse than expected.
    • Students are encouraged to attend careers talks, fairs, and open days.
    • Students are further encouraged to set high expectations of themselves by learning about University life and Degree Apprenticeships.
    • Students are given the opportunity to take the Morrisby test to help identify potential career pathways (students opt-in, and charge applies).

  • Year 12 - Thinking ahead to 18+

    • Students are informed of all their different options including higher education, jobs, gap years and apprenticeships.
    • Students hear about choosing a course and university.
    • Students have the opportunity to hear specifically about making an Oxbridge application.
    • Students are given advice on writing personal statements, with emphasis on UCAS, apprenticeship and job applications.
    • Students will revisit interview skills, and how to prepare for an interview.
    • Students will take part in mock interviews with employers.
    • Students will hear about study skills.
    • Students will hear about employability skills.
    • Students are encouraged to take part in work experience, developing their employability skills, and also their skills in searching for roles and approaching and communicating with employers.
    • Students are encouraged to attend university open days, and careers talks and fairs.
    • Students have optional access to an independent and impartial adviser via drop in sessions, or form tutor referral.
    • Students are encouraged to use careers resources available, and are informed where to find out more about specific courses/careers.
    • Students are given the opportunity to take the Morrisby test to help identify potential career pathways (students opt-in, and charge applies).

  • Year 13 - Thinking ahead to 18+

    • Students are reminded of all the different options available to them, including higher education, jobs, gap years, and apprenticeships. Support is given for any of these options.
    • Students are given targeted support with UCAS or apprenticeship applications.
    • Students will hear about student finance and budgeting.
    • Students will hear about transition to university life.
    • Students will hear about graduate recruitment, and how to start building their network.
    • Students are encouraged to attend university open days, and careers talks and fairs.
    • Students have optional access to an independent and impartial adviser via drop in sessions, or form tutor referral.
    • Students are encouraged to use careers resources available, and are informed where to find out more about specific courses/careers.

Employer engagement

  • Employer engagement information

    We understand the importance of working with local employers to support our careers provision, and we welcome any contact from employers who are able to help show and inform our pupils about the world of work and the range of careers available.

    We currently work with employers in a number of ways, including work experience, careers fairs, and careers talks. For this academic year we are seeking employers to support the following events:

    Careers talks: assemblies, lunchtime or after school talksWe invite inspirational speakers to discuss their careers with the pupils.Any date during term time.

    Lunchtime talks: 13.30 – 14.15

    After school: Tuesdays 15.00 – 16.00

    Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: 15.30 – 16.30

    Talks to Year 7 formWe invite employers in to speak to a form group about their career choices and what their job entails. Pupils are then encouraged to ask questions.Tuesday 24th May 14.20 – 15.00
    Talks to Year 8 formWe invite employers in to speak to a form group about their career choices and what their job entails. Pupils are then encouraged to ask questions.Tuesday 10th May 14.20 – 15.00
    National Careers Week lunchtime eventsWe would like to show our pupils the wide range of careers available, so would welcome further support from employers willing to talk to pupils.Monday 7th March – Friday 11th March 13.30 – 14.15

    Careers fair specific to Creative careers: Tuesday 8th March 15.00 – 18.00

    If you are able to support any of these events, or would like to work with us in any other way, please contact Mrs Arazi on 01923 223403 or

Where to find help

  • Finding help

    We offer a number of ways of finding help if you have any questions about careers or next steps:

      • Kerry Duffy (our careers adviser from Services for Young People) holds drop-in sessions at lunchtimes when she is in school. See the notice on the careers office door for details of dates she is in school.
      • Mrs Arazi is available before school, or during recess or lunchtimes. She is situated in the Maths office in Hyde House. Alternatively, you can email with questions or to arrange a specific time to meet:
      • Mrs Begum holds drop-in sessions in the careers library during recess or lunchtime.

    The careers library is open to all pupils in any year group. It is situated on the top floor of the main library, and has information about specific colleges and universities, as well as details on apprenticeships, gap years, specific careers, and current local job vacancies.

    Brochures and prospectuses are updated on an annual basis, whilst all other publications are reviewed biannually.


  • Unifrog

    In keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers guidance and tailored support when choosing their next step after school, we use Unifrog; an award-winning, online careers platform. All students in all years have access to this excellent website.

    The Unifrog platform is designed to support learners in making the most informed decisions about their futures and has a range of tools that are suitable for all year groups. Each student has their own personal account that provides a wide range of information related to their interests and aspirations. Key features of the platform include:

    • Exploring Pathways – personality quizzes, career and subject profiles, and webinars
    • Recording – self-reflection about extracurricular activities and key employability skills
    • Opportunities – search tools showing live vacancies/courses/placements for apprenticeships and universities
    • Applications – tools to help students build applications for a range of pathways e.g., CVs and Personal Statements

    To access the site, go to

    For quick guides on the capabilities of Unifrog, please see the links below;
    Years 7-9 intro: KS3 Student Launch (
    Years 10-11 intro: KS4 Student Launch (
    Years 12-13 intro:
    Parent intro:

    If you are a parent and would like to create an account, then please log on to, and create an account using the sign-up code: WTFGPARENTS. If there are any issues then please contact

Careers Opportunities Newsletter

Fortnightly updates on work experience and apprenticeships opportunities, courses, virtual workshops and careers advice webinars.

Newsletter 55
Newsletter 54

Local market information

Useful websites

Old Grammarian Association