Reading is just like breathing at Watford Girls.  Our pupils are encouraged always to be reading for pleasure, and one form time a week is entirely devoted to reading across the whole school.   Reading is not limited to English lessons – although the independent reading projects produced by pupils for English are impressively imaginative and often deemed worthy of a Diamond Award.  Instead, reading permeates the life and body of the school; the pupils have library lessons, and reading lessons taught by Miss Tai herself, as well as the opportunity to join Reading Club and to write their own novels with Creative Writing Club.  The library is a buzzing hub of activity throughout the school day, where students often choose to spend their time lost in the latest fiction.

“I have a passion for teaching kids to become  readers, to become comfortable with a book, not daunted. Books shouldn’t be daunting, they should be funny, exciting and wonderful; and learning to be a reader gives a terrific advantage.” Roald Dahl

All year 7s keep a Reading Log, where they use the Reading Chilli Challenge to respond actively to their reading and can gain awards when they reach reading targets.  It is possible to gain the Bronze, Silver, Gold and even Platinum Reading Award if you are a voracious reader!  The school also celebrates World Book Day in style, with all year 7s dressing up in honour of their favourite literary character.

Reading & Writing School Magazines

Discover book recommendations and reviews in this libraray magazine.

Produced by the wonderfully talented students of the Creative Writing Club in their free time, this magazine includes a delightfully diverse range of pieces, all centered around the theme of ‘identity’.