Welcome to the Parent’s Association. Our primary objective is to ensure we organise or support events and initiatives that will enable us to raise funds towards providing facilities that may not be covered by the funding authority, whilst also providing a social community environment for the students and parents.
This year, we are working towards supporting the purchase of air-conditioning in the Tennet Centre. In previous years, PA funds have been used to purchase lighting and radio mics for school plays and music productions, develop the Elizabeth Gardens (a place for Year 7s to go during their break and lunch time), and contributed to revamping the library, furnishing the Sixth Form Tennet Centre, and installing a Multi-Use Games Area.
We raise funds through several activities each year, including:
- Year 7 Bingo
- Family Bingo
- Annual Christmas Market
- Family Quiz Night
- Incoming Year 7 Welcome Event for parents and daughters
- Providing refreshments for Christmas and Spring Concert and other school drama productions
The PA also raises money in other ways, such as:
- The Fundraising Draw – with cash prizes each month and all money going to school departments to buy equipment, we encourage all parents to subscribe to this. Click below for more information
- The easyfundraising website (www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/watfordgsgpa/). Every time you shop online at a wide variety of retailers (including Amazon, eBay and Tesco), you can raise money for the school at no cost to you.
- Employer match-funding schemes – you may work for a company that encourages employees to participate in their local community by matching the amount raised at a school event
WGGS-Match-funding-Orgs-2023.pdf – watfordgrammarschoolforgirls.org.uk.
As a parent of the school, your support is invaluable to us. Whether you are interested in contributing to event planning, joining our helpers’ squad, assisting with match funding, or participating in any way you can, we welcome your involvement.
If you wish to get involved, please join us at our meetings or reach out to us via email at WGGSPA@watfordgirls.herts.sch.uk. We are always eager to welcome new members and hear your ideas.
Many thanks,
The Parents’ Association 2024 Executive Committee
Chair: Manisha Patel
Vice Chair: Geeta Mistry
Treasurer: Virginia Rivera
Vice Treasurer: Renuka Maheswaran
Secretary: Shital Dedhia
Marketing and Communications: Mala Patel
Corporate Relations: Paul Fox
Fundraising Draw Co-ordinator: Elizabeth MacDomnic
- Meeting Dates for your Diary
All PA meetings are held at the school in the meeting room in the Tower.
Directions to the Meeting Room in the Tower:
From main Reception > Turn right and right and go up a half flight of stairs > Proceed across the bridge > The Meeting Room is the first room on the right
If we have to hold the meetings virtually, we will post details about how to join by the relevant dates below in time for the meeting.
Everyone is welcome!
Monday 11 March
7.30pm meeting at school – Meeting RoomMonday 13 May
7.30pm meeting in school – Meeting RoomMonday 1 July
7.30pm meeting in school – Meeting Room - PA Fundraising Draw
Would you like the chance to win £25, £20 or £15 each month and at the same time support the fundraising efforts of the Parents’ Association?
The WGGS Fundraising Draw is open to all parents and friends of the school. For just £12 a year you will be allocated your own personal number in the draw. You can have as many entries as you like (for example £24 for two numbers, £36 for three, etc).
Every month a draw is held and three people win £25, £20 or £15, depending on whether their number was drawn first, second or third.
In addition at the AGM in January we also make one additional draw for £100.
During the year the WGGS Fundraising Draw provides funds to all school departments enabling them to purchase relevant materials.
Its easy to join:
Fill in the form at https://bit.ly/WGGSFundraIsingDraw which includes instructions to set up a yearly payment with your bank to: WGGS 100 Club (Lloyds), SC: 30-99-21, A/C: 01071063
We’ll confirm receipt and allocate your personal number(s)
Good luck!
- Get Involved
You can help support your daughters’ school by participating in any of the following:
Come along and participate in our PA meetings – a great opportunity to get involved, build new friendships and meet representatives from the school.
- Join the Parents’ Association Fundraising Draw – invest just £1 a month and potentially win up to £25 on a monthly basis.
- Log onto https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/watfordgsgpa/and earn money for the school every time you shop online at a wide variety of retailers and at no cost to you.
- Many companies encourage their employees to participate in their local community – including schools, so help your daughter’s education. This may include sponsoring events or ‘Matching’ a sum of money raised at an event. Check with your Human Resources Department to see if your company runs such a scheme. This could double the amount of funds the WGGS PA raises each year. We have compiled a list of companies that we believe support ‘Match funding’ check to see if your organisation is on the list and if it is please reach out, and we will help you complete the necessary forms.
- Agree to have an estate agent board outside your property for a limited time promoting our key fundraising events.
- Donate products and services to help support our fundraising activities, raising the profile of your business to the school community. All donations are acknowledged in communications.
- Join the Women of Vision Trust
- PA Events
Social Family Games Night
***********Save the date**************
Following the success of last year’s Family Social -Bingo, we are delighted to confirm that we will be organising once again a Family Games Night.
Friday 25 October from 6:00pm onwards
Tickets will be available shortly. This is a great opportunity to socialise with other parents/carers, form new friendships and have a great time.
Christmas Market
***********Save the date***********
Sunday 24 November from 11:00am – 4:00pm.
- PA Funded Initiatives
- An all-weather multi-use sports area
- Refurbishment of the school library
- Contribution to IT provision for the students to help facilitate distance learning
- Computers
- Refurbishment of the maths building (Hyde House)
- Refurbishment of the Year 7 area (Lady’s Close)
- Lighting equipment for the Hall for school productions and music events
- Refurbishment of The Curve, next to Lady’s Close (an area used for recitals and hire)
- A school minibus
- Trampoline for PE lessons and after-school clubs
- Furniture for the Sixth Form block (Tennet Centre)
- New microphones for the Hall