The curriculum in Sixth Form is academically focused with all students studying a minimum of 3 A levels. There is an opportunity to apply for a 4th A level to broaden their educational experience and also an option to apply for and complete an Extended Project Qualification. The breadth of academic subjects is inspiring and this is maintained by our partnership with Watford Grammar School for Boys. The broad curriculum is challenging, academically stimulating and allows our students to gain an exciting and passionate experience with their chosen subject areas. The skills of independent thought, research, creativity, problem solving and innovation are present and transferable to higher education and the world of work.
The school has chosen Forum and PE to be integrated into the curriculum. The Forum programme (PSCHE) in Year 12 and 13 is bespoke and student centred to ensure they develop the potential to be leaders and drivers of change in society. PE lessons are timetabled for Year 12 for continued focus on student’s wellbeing, allowing time for engagement in physical activity and social connectivity.
Opportunities for student leadership are vast and varied, including our Head Girl Team and School Prefects. Sixth Form students are encouraged to take on responsibility for numerous societies and to develop ones, if they do not exist, that harness their own zeal and personal interests. Community service also allows students to think outside of themselves, develop their own moral compass and given generously to others with time and care.
“The school has instilled confidence in me, as well as resilience and perseverance.”
- Art
At Key Stage 5 we offer Art and Design through a range of specialisms accredited by the AQA Examination board. Within this, students have the opportunity to opt for and explore a wide range of skills, including Fine Art, Photography and Textiles. Students continue to build on the skills learnt at GCSE and develop a strong portfolio of work in preparation for further education should they wish to apply to University or College. Recent research has demonstrated that an Art A level is useful for a wide variety of degrees, including courses as diverse as law, engineering, architecture and the humanities: creative thinking and artistic skills are invaluable when applying for any University Degree.
During Year 12, students are encouraged to take risks and experiment with materials, techniques and processes in a creative and mature environment, led by experienced teachers. Confident in their refined skills, Year 13 students benefit from personalised projects developed through regular one-to-one tutorials with their teacher. In January of Year 13, students select an exam topic from the AQA paper and this accounts for 40% of their final grade (the other 60% is for their personalised project explored in Year 12 and 13). Throughout the two-year Linear A Level course, students are regularly monitored by self, peers and teacher assessment, in line with the AQA assessment objectives.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
- Careers
In Key Stage 5 we aim to prepare pupils for making their post-18 choices, and for becoming an independent adult. They will learn about all the options that are available to them, including higher education, jobs, gap years and apprenticeships, and will be given assistance on whichever route they choose. Students are given advice on writing personal statements, with emphasis on UCAS, apprenticeship and job applications, and they will receive a lot of support on interview preparation, leading up to a mock interview day. To help further with their transition to university and adult life, they will learn about study skills, student finance, and budgeting. We believe that developing employability skills is very important, so encourage pupils to take part in work experience.
- Classics
Following the OCR specification, A Level Classical Civilisation provides students with a broad and deep study of the ancient world, with disciplines including art, philosophy, drama and literature. This allows pupils to make a wide range of cross-curricular links in addition to deepening their own understanding of the world around them, and even their own core beliefs. Students are encouraged and required to engage with scholarship and academia, fostering a love of learning and developing valuable habits of independent learning and research. The curriculum allows pupils to engage with challenging philosophical and moral issues, and prepares them well for Higher Education and careers in a wide range of areas. Classics aims to provide a forum for pupils to explore difficult and challenging issues that affect us today in the modern world, at a distance through the lens of the ancient world, all whilst developing students into reflective and critical thinkers.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
- Computing
At Key Stage 5 we also follow the AQA syllabus as it builds effectively upon the skills and knowledge base acquired at GCSE. The course develops the students’ proficiency in a modern coding language and equips them to apply this language to an area of computing that interests them and construct increasingly complex programmes, developing an understanding as to how they might apply their skills to real-life situations. By the end of the A Level course, they should understand how coding fits into their chosen academic and career path.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
- Drama
The A-level Drama course is similar in structure to GCSE Drama where students create an original piece of theatre, perform extracts, and study set plays for a written exam which includes analysing and evaluating live theatre. The principal difference is that A-level Drama students will also explore two theatre practitioners.
Although GCSE Drama is not a pre-requisite for taking this course, a passion for theatre and drama is. The practical nature of this course requires creative energy and curiosity as the course content is taught through workshops that explore a range of styles from physical and immersive theatre to naturalism and epic theatre. This may be in the style of Frantic Assembly, Punchdrunk, Katie Mitchell, Brecht, to name a few. Leadership skills, problem solving, resilience, cooperation, creativity, research and performing skills are the key building blocks in the devising section of this course which helps students to develop sophisticated performance techniques to communicate complex ideas powerfully and successfully to an audience. Independent and analytical thinking, as well as evaluation skills, are developed through the portfolio work during devising and also the study of classic play texts, from Greek theatre to modern expressionism. These are also explored practically with a consideration of the historical, political and philosophical contexts in which they were written.
Central to success is the ability to critically appraise theatre made by others and apply successful performance practices to students’ own work – using the cycle of create, perform, reflect.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
- Economics
At WGGS we hope to stimulate a lifelong passion of Economics amongst our economists by asking them to engage with the subject from the past and the world around them. They will develop knowledge and understanding of the UK economy and the world economy. There will be a particular focus on UK, China, USA, Germany and Zambia’s economies. This will allow students to gain exposure to key events that have enlightened our world economy. The course aims to make students critically aware, understanding the processes behind both micro and macro developments in Economics such as the reasons politicians worry when currency values change or when countries talk of going bankrupt. Students will develop analytical and evaluative skills through carrying out their own research, allowing them to think about how resources are allocated and understand the behaviour of individual agents within the wider economy. Additionally, students will be taught to apply their knowledge of economic theories and research to themselves and the wider world, enabling them to immerse themselves in the course and make consistent connections to their learning. Students will also develop an awareness of the local economy. Finally, students will be able to analyse, evaluate and discuss theories and research by creating assumptions with evidence and thorough explanations.
The specification for A – Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by exam board in this subject.
- English
‘A’ Level English seeks to build upon the foundation laid at Key Stage 4 and expose students to a wide range of texts, from Shakespeare to Margaret Atwood. There is a keen focus upon students’ reading skills, building fluency and increasing their capacity to access more sophisticated subtextual concerns. Central to success is the ability to write with high levels of accuracy and to reflect the conceptualised nature of students’ thinking, with a sophisticated and extensive range of critical terminology. All consideration of the literary texts is grounded in an understanding of the historical, political and philosophical contexts in which they are written and received, enabling students to reference a range of interpretations. An important component is the coursework, which allows students to put the skills they have acquired into practice and explore an aspect of literature which particularly interests them. As in all key stages, enjoyment and appreciation is paramount.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
- Forum
In Pace and Forum we equip our students with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and prepare for life, work and study in modern Britain and beyond. At the core of our program lies our belief that our students need to build the resilience to be able to cope within a changing society. Personal growth is at the heart of what we do, therefore we provide opportunities for our students to reflect on and clarify their attitudes and values. We aim to provide students with the tools to safely and respectfully express their own opinions and explore complex and sometimes conflicting ranges of attitudes they encounter now and in the future.
We have designed a curriculum that encompasses the whole school, ensures continuity from Year 7 to Year 13 and is reactive and consultative in its approach. Themes are delivered through timetabled Pace and Forum sessions, assemblies, form time and bespoke workshops led by external agencies and professional speakers.
The curriculum covers the key strands identified by the PSHE Association – living in the wider world, health and wellbeing, SRE. In KS5 the focus is expanded to include UCAS preparation and life beyond Watford Grammar School for Girls. Details of the curriculum can be found on the overview document.
Online safety is delivered as part of the PACE and Forum programme. Details of the online safety curriculum can be found here.
- Geography
Key Stage 5 aims to develop our students’ enjoyment of Geography and deepen their knowledge of the subject through focused learning and wider research. We aim to inspire students to love our subject and become lifelong Geography enthusiasts. Students are encouraged to be independent thinkers and informed members of the local and global community. Geography aims to develop students’ analytical skills, their ability to present ideas and to set them up for future study of the subject. Key Stage 5 builds on the subject knowledge developed in years 7 to 11 and develops a range of new case studies and examples. Fieldwork is a key element of the course at Key Stage 5 and students are expected to use this experience to produce detailed pieces of coursework. Key Stage 5 Geography aims to expose our students to complex concepts, issues and processes and teach them to understand the role and importance of Geography in the modern world.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
- Government & Politics
Students who take Government & Politics are taught to think independently, critically and rationally about political issues, an essential skill to succeed in modern society. Students are encouraged to become active and informed citizens, evaluating political information and arguments on their own merits. They will develop a deep knowledge of the workings of the UK political system and past/current debates surrounding it. We aim to develop a life-long interest in politics while teaching the traditional academic skills of critical thought, analysis, evaluation and essay writing prized by universities. Students are encouraged to keep up-to-date with current affairs in all topics, helping them to draw upon information from a wide range of media outlets and political perspectives to continually update their knowledge and understanding.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
- History
Students in A Level History are prepared for academic study at university and beyond. We strive to develop A Level students who are critical, independent thinkers and are able to make discerning use of a range of precise evidence to sustain complex arguments. At A-Level we provide a stimulating and diverse academic study of History, following the AQA History syllabus. All students will be assessed by two exam papers at the end of a two-year course, in addition to a substantial piece of independent investigation primarily in Year 13, which prepares them well for the demands of a university degree in any subject. Students are able to evaluate contemporary sources and historiographical interpretations, drawing upon their detailed contextual knowledge and understanding of the periods studied. Students will also be able to plan and communicate extended analytical responses, examining complex concepts and perspectives.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
- Latin
Latin A level follows the OCR specification, and builds on pupils’ prior learning as they encounter increasingly complex syntactical structures and attempt passages of real Latin by authors such as Ovid and Livy for translation. Pupils continue to practice and develop their skills in translation, comprehension and composition. In addition, pupils study two set texts of Latin literature, analysing the stylistic choices of the author and developing their own moral and ethical opinions on the messages within. Pupils are encouraged to become independent learners, researching and engaging with the cultural, social and political background of each of the texts they study, and allowing this to inform any judgements they make. Through the study of Latin at the highest level, pupils become critical and logical thinkers who are well prepared for Higher Education in a wide range of subjects, and develop transferrable skills valued in any number of careers.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
- Mathematics
The Key Stage 5 mathematics curriculum provides students with skills that are highly sought after by many employers and academic institutions. Through the further study of the subject, students will build on the firm grounding they received at Key Stage 3 and 4. The students are able to appreciate the importance of academic rigour and will meet abstract concepts as part of the Key Stage 5 curriculum. At this level, we emphasise the layout of work, disciplined working habits and develop further students’ abilities to solve problems. Technology is used to support our work in a way that enhances understanding and develops skills to be used beyond the classroom. Many students leave Watford Grammar School for Girls to study mathematics or mathematics-based subjects at degree level and go on to have interesting, dynamic and diverse careers.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
AS Further Maths –
A-level Further Maths
- Modern Languages
Students build upon their experiences in Key Stages 3 and 4. However, at A Level, the topics covered go into much greater depth and analytical skills are developed. There is an increase in the cultural content of the course and a greater focus on developing independent learning and research skills in preparation for the requirements of university and work.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
French –
German –
Spanish –
- Music
The A Level curriculum, also following Edexcel, is similar to GCSE: developing musical knowledge, understanding and skills in performing, composing and appraising. We analyse set works in detail, and explore a wide range of related wider listening, which enables students to identify key features in the music and explain them in terms of their musical and historical contexts. Composing skills are developed through a series of mini projects, culminating in a final four-minute piece and two technical exercises (Bach chorales). Independent, analytical and creative thinking are also encouraged throughout the course. Performing skills are developed through participating in our extensive Music Live curriculum, with many orchestras, choirs and ensembles to stretch and develop students in preparation for their final performance. Many of our A Level musicians have gone on to study at prestigious universities and conservatoires.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
- PE
In Year 12 students will participate in Sixth Form PE. This is an option programme where students will select a range of sports to participate in over the year. These lessons are focussed around being active and developing game play in readiness for lifelong participation in physical activity.
A Level PE is an optional subject in Key Stage 5. We follow the AQA specification. Students will develop an in depth understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the body and learn how the body adapts during physical activity. They will have the opportunity to learn the importance of psychological factors on sports performance. Students will also explore the development of sport throughout history and the current affairs that are impacting sport today. At A level students are assessed in one practical sport and this can be either as a performer or as a coach.
- Psychology
Since Psychology is the study of the science of the mind and behaviour psychologists aim to explain, understand, predict and manage behaviour. The Key Stage 5 Psychology curriculum provides students with an understanding of the different schools of Psychology and enables students to grasp the way that Psychology operates in real world situations.
Students will finish the course with a highly-developed and in-depth appreciation of how criminality, mental illness and stress-related issues are multi-factorial. The flaws of the discipline are also explored so students should feel inspired to find ways to apply their knowledge of Psychology to the next step in their lives.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
- Religious Studies
We run a very well subscribed A Level subject following the Eduqas Religious Studies specification. We cover three disciplines: Philosophy of Religion, Ethics and Hinduism. The aims of the course are to build a theological and philosophical foundation, alongside developing transferable skills for future progression into a wide variety of Higher Education degree disciplines. The course builds on skills learnt at GCSE in analysis and evaluation and allows students to delve deeper into discussions about theological, philosophical and ethical issues.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
- Science
The Key Stage 5 Science curriculum provides students with a unique and valued set of transferable skills, including problem solving, high levels of numeracy and literacy and a range of sought-after skills associated with scientific enquiry.
We teach rigorous academic courses, frequently going beyond the scope of the syllabus so that our students gain a deeper understanding of concepts, their application and inspiration for the next stage of our students’ lives beyond school. We are immensely proud of the large number of young women who go on to study Science-based subjects each year leading to a wide range of diverse, fulfilling careers which contribute positively to society.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
Biology –
Chemistry –
- Sociology
Sociology A-Level is designed to promote excellent powers of interpretation and analysis. Reading around topics, applying sociological theory and staying abreast of current affairs helps students excel in this subject. Students at Key Stage 5 develop a deep understanding of the social forces that shape human behaviour.
Sociology is an essay-based subject that equips students with transferable skills and for a variety of higher education options. Its study fosters the production of cogent written work about a range of topics such as education, the world of work, the impact of poverty, crime and deviance and how different beliefs shape the structures of the society we live in.
The specification for A-Level can be accessed using the link below. This gives details of the content of the course as well as the methods of assessment used by the exam board in this subject.
If you need more information about the curriculum after reading the subject specific sections below, please email who will forward your enquiry on to the relevant Head of Department.