Old Grammarians Alumnae
Welcome to the Old Grammarians Alumnae.
Always a Watford Girl.
Join a huge network of over 2000 members from the Watford Girls community from past students, to teachers, support staff, governors and parents. Our dedicated website offers a safe and secure environment for our WGGS alumnae to stay in touch, connect and communicate. Register for free with the OGA to:
- Create a profile
- Find friends
- Extend your personal network and share news
- Extend your career network with internships, work experience and our mentoring programme
- Keep in touch with WGGS
- Receive our e-newsletter
- Create/join member-led clubs
- Inspire current students by volunteering for WGGS careers related events such as Face the Future or careers fairs.
If you have any queries or questions about the alumnae, or any stories you would like to share, please contact us at oldgrammarians@watfordgirls.herts.sch.uk