At WGGS we understand that in this current financial climate, some members of our school community may require practical support.
If you feel you are struggling financially, please do reach out to us for help and advice as you may be eligible to receive additional funding.
Please complete this form to request support: Financial Support Request Form If you are eligible for free school meals, please complete this form: Apply for free school meals Did you know we run a sustainable school uniform shop? To stop uniform ending up in landfill and as part of our sustainability goals, we accept uniform donations which can be ordered directly from the school for a small cost: Sustainable Uniform Shop The family of Old Girl Mollie Thomas née Norcutt, have created a fund to support Year 7 students who may struggle financially when joining the school. The fund can be used for buying uniform, a device or other items required. Please complete the financial support request form to enquire about this fund. Further information about the Norcutt fund can be found here. Click here for information on organisations within Hertfordshire county that can further assist you: HFL Education Grant Funding Information