Recently some of our pupils in Years 9, 10 and 11 sat the Intermediate Maths Challenge paper organised by the highly regarded UK Mathematics Trust.
All pupils sit the same paper so girls in Yr 9 are at a disadvantage considering they have covered less material in class than girls in the older year groups. The pupils can achieve a certificate of participation, a bronze, silver or gold certificate base on their score. Pupils who achieve a silver or gold award are invited to take part in the next stage of the competition.
We have just got the results back from UKMT. The vast majority of Class 9 (M1) achieved a bronze or silver award which is impressive. Eleven of them have been asked to go further to the Kangaroo Stage of the competition.
In Year 9, there were 2 students Ritika and Paavani who were awarded a gold award. This is an outstanding achievement.
In addition to her gold award, Paavani was also invited to take part in the Maths Cayley Olympiad which is for the students who obtained exceptionally high score on their papers. Paavani, in fact, got the joint highest score of ALL year 9, 10 and 11 students in the school. Hugely Impressive!
We look forward to finding out how Paavani does in the Olympiad stage in a couple of weeks. We have high expectations!